2024 Standard Occupational Classification Revision Process Input

The Substance Use Prevention Workforce Committee is a convened group of national organizations that support and represent professionals and organizations responsible for substance use prevention across the country. These leading organizations in the prevention field work collaboratively to plan, implement, and evaluate national, state, and community programs, policies, and initiatives to prevent substance use and the development of substance use disorders (SUDs) and related health and social consequences for individuals, families, and communities throughout the lifespan. (Read More)

Coalition for Health Care Funding

Dear Speaker Johnson, Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McConnell, and Minority Leader Jeffries:
The 1,050 undersigned organizations—which represent the full breadth of investments that support all of America, every day—call on Congress to reject arbitrary and damaging funding levels for Fiscal Year 2025 and, at the very least, to fully appropriate the necessary non-defense discretionary (NDD) funds to keep pace with rising costs and demand and keep poison pill policy riders that undercut the priorities of the American people out of the package. (Read More)