Empowering Professionals and Setting Global Standards in the Prevention, Substance Use Disorder and Recovery Profession.
Our credentials and examinations use the latest research on evidence-based practices, are updated every five years, and subjected to an extensive process of peer review.
IC&RC by the Numbers
Standards developed for credentialing in:
- Alcohol and Drug Counselor
- Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor
- Clinical Supervisor
- Criminal Justice Addictions Professional
- Peer Recovery – Associate
- Peer Recovery
- Prevention Specialist
Member certification and licensing boards across 50 U.S. states and territories, three Native American regions, branches of the U.S. military and 11 international regions.
Representing more than 50,000 prevention, substance use disorder, and recovery professionals.
IC&RC has partnered with HMP Global Learning Network; they are the omnichannel market leader in healthcare events, education, and market insight — with a mission to improve patient care.
When it comes to treating addiction, we’re stronger. Explore 4 leading events, coast to coast, that make up the Symposia on Addictive Disorders – the nation’s premier source for advanced addiction treatment and behavioral health education. At all of our events, you’ll find yourself among hundreds of like-minded professionals, networking and learning from field experts.
Upcoming Events:
West Coast Symposium | May 29-31, 2025 | Palm Springs, CA
Rx and Illicit Drug Summit
Explore what’s working in addiction prevention, deflection, treatment, and recovery. Rx Summit is the most influential event addressing the opioid and addiction epidemic, where strategies are shared and put into action. Our global community includes multidisciplinary stakeholders “from federal to family.” As we enter our 14th year, our mission has become increasingly important—we can’t afford to lose more lives. It’s time to turn the numbers around. Join us in Nashville, April 21 – 24, 2025.
Take Your IC&RC Credentials with You
Register for an exam
Find Everything You Need to Know
You can transfer your credentials between jurisdictions that have IC&RC Member Boards.
Learn what you need to know about registering, eligibility, preparation and scoring.
IC&RC’s Newest Certification
Introducing the Harm Reduction Specialist (HRS) Training
Harm Reduction Specialist (HRS) Objectives of the IC&RC’s Harm Reduction Certification:
- Increase knowledge around harm reduction and how it can be used in the recovery processes
- Apply skills within a harm reduction framework to current practice
- Feel comfortable having conversations around harm reduction with clients and the community
- Identify obstacles in applying harm reduction and develop strategies to overcome these obstacles
- Learn to engage people who are continuing to use substances into harm reduction recovery practices
- Build the foundation for clinical and non-clinical communication around harm reduction strategies
Always Looking at the Road Ahead
Globally Recognized for Credentialing in the Prevention, Substance Use Disorder and Recovery Professionals Workforce.
IC&RC, the largest credentialing organization in the world, began with a vision of a unified field of alcohol and drug counselors, regardless of location. A small group found a way to bridge the differences between states, then nations.